Friday, October 07, 2011

Toys and Memories...

For the longest time have I contemplated over and over again on whether or not to take it out from its carded packaging this Shazam! figure from Mattel's DC Universe Crisis toy line, and obviously I never attempted to do so. I guess this action figure had too much sentimental value for me to just rip it open, so to speak. Toys or any stuff for that matter given to me by my family or friends isn't much of an issue though I do take care of them very well, but for something like this mini Shazam! action figure... I just wanted it to stay as it is and preserve the memories that came along with it.

This was given to me from someone very special and it was somehow like a "spontaneous gift" or a "spur-of-the-moment thought" if you may call it. I remember that day when she texted me around afternoon and told me that she'll be coming over to my place after work and hand me something. Later that evening my cellphone rang and I knew she was waiting for me outside with her car parked in front of our house. I told her if she wanted to come in but she told me that she wasn't going to stay for long and immediately handed to me the Shazam! toy figure, she told me that Toys "R" Us was having a bazaar sale in one of the open lots inside their office compound and she thought of getting me that action figure since it was selling for only Php 100 (around $2.00 ++), though she may not be that well-versed with comic book characters or superheroes but the mere thought of getting me one for no particular reason gave it more meaning and value, that is why up to this very day I still keep this toy inside a Ziploc bag to protect it from dust and dirt.

Eventually this Shazam! figure would turn out to be the very last toy item I'll be receiving from her as a gift... and sadly after being together for nearly a decade, we recently decided to go our own separate ways... and all that remains from this very special item are the fond memories from that day and somehow, that lingering thought inside me of what we used to be. Too bad for Billy Batson's alter ego and he won't be able to experience life outside the carded packaging... it's too early to say but I'm still not over it, maybe even if I have moved on it will always stay that way... memories are too precious to let go, even for something as trivial or cheesy like keeping a toy figure sealed and untouched, possibly forever.

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